Text by thinking technology
Internet Tech

Advantages of Text by Thinking Technology

The development of technology has given people the ease to send text messages while traveling by using their smartphones.

This is one of the latest advantages of text by thinking technology.

Problems of Text communication

It was a difficult thing to do in the past as it took a lot of time and effort to send a text message.

Even if the message were read, there are chances that the recipient might not have a smartphone to receive the message. This made it impossible to send messages in an emergency.

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However, the use of this technology has changed all that as you can now send messages at any time of the day.

If you feel like talking to someone, then you can simply text them instead of calling up.

And if you want to update your Facebook status or want to update your blog on regular basis, then you can simply text them.

This text by thinking technology has completely revolutionized the way we communicate with each other.

Earlier, to text, someone meant that you had to go to the phone and mess with the phone line.

And in case you did not have a smartphone then you had no option but to use the phone company’s phone line.

Moreover, sending a text message was not easy as well, as you might have to use a QWERTY keyboard to compose the message.

There was also no guarantee that the message would get through the phone screen.

All these factors made the process of sending text messages a complicated one.

Text by thinking technology

Text by Thinking Technology

To overcome these issues, text by thinking technology was developed.

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You would only need your palmtop or iPhone for this task. You can send text messages from anywhere using this innovative tool.

You would be able to send text messages to anyone without bothering about their mobile phone numbers.

In this text by thinking technology, the messages are written from the point of view of the computer.

The computer takes the messages written on your palmtop and converts them into computer-readable code.

Your computer runs the software which converts this code into the message that you wish to send.

The text is then sent directly from your computer to the person whose phone number you have remembered.

Advantages of Text by Thinking Technology

There are various advantages of using this technology for text message communication.

  • It’s cost-effective

One major advantage is that this text by thinking technology saves a lot of money, as you need not buy a new phone for sending a text message.

  • It protects privacy

The message also remains private, as you do not need to tell the person whose phone number you called for getting the message.

Thus, every time you wish to contact a person you do not have to think about it anymore, as you can just simply send a text message.

  • Mass texting

Moreover, the technology makes it easy to send multiple text messages at a time.

You can easily add more numbers and more texts to make your communication more efficient.

  • It’s easy

Moreover, the messages are saved in your phone book, so you need not have to make frequent trips to your office or home to look for the phone number of the person whom you want to contact.

The messages can be read on any cellular or smartphone. Thus, you can send messages from any place at any time.

  • It enhances your thinking faculty

Besides all these reasons, another important advantage of text by thinking technology is that it increases your thinking power, as it enables you to quickly think about a particular matter and send a text message to the person whose phone number you have remembered.

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However, one important thing that you should remember is that you should not send a text message if you are under any kind of depression.

This text message technology may not be appropriate for those who are in deep depression.

Thus, this advanced text messaging technology needs to be used only for special purposes.