How to prepare car interior for spring

How to Clean Car Interior at home before Spring

Car care in spring ensures cleanliness and now makes your car shine again.

At the same time, thorough car cleaning protects the vehicle from damage such as rust on the body or mold in the interior.

Regular cleaning also helps to maintain car paintwork, and It contributes to maintaining value and supports safety on every car trip in spring or summer.

Sometimes, it’s advised to take your car to a car wash shop for proper cleaning, but if you’d like to wash your vehicle yourself, you should take note of the following areas.

• Car body
• underbody cleaning
• footwell mats
• upholstery cleaning, leather or fabrics
• shelves and trunk
• Tires

How to prepare car interior for spring

Car Interior Cleaning in Spring

Winter months can put a lot of stress on your vehicle, snow, rainfall, ice, dirt, flower pollens, leaves and tree branches can cause strains, therefore, proper cleaning of the car before spring is important, Techpally Auto experts advised.

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Like we’ve discussed general car cleaning in our previous publication, let’s talk about car interior cleaning today.

After the winter months, there is usually a lot of dirt in several places in the interior
• footwells
• floor mats
• seats and
• shelves or in the
• trunk.

A lot of dirt collects in the footwell in winter. The carpets there or textile floor mats also absorb a lot of moisture.

This soon leads to bad smells or lets the car windows steam up from the inside.


Cleaning the floor or footwell

Thorough vacuuming removes dirt on the surface and dirt in the textile fibers. Stains can also be cleaned with an upholstery or carpet cleaner.

Open several doors at once when cleaning. Then a lot of fresh air pulls through the car. This removes unpleasant odors and also allows moisture in the car to dry better.


Floor mats

Textile mats are best vacuumed outside the vehicle. They can then dry out in the fresh air while the rest of the interior is cleaned.

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Instead, rubber mats are cleaned with water, a detergent, and a coarse brush. Alternatively, you can use a high-pressure cleaner for this.

The strong water pressure does not damage the material if the mats do not already have defects such as cracks, says Techpally engineer.

Then the floor mats just have to dry before they can be returned to the car later.

Clean the rest of the interior


A vacuum cleaner removes loose dirt from the seat surfaces or the cracks with the appropriate attachments.

A soft brush attachment does not leave any marks on fabric or leather covers.

Hard brushes or plastic edges, on the other hand, can damage the seat cushions.

An upholstery cleaner or, if necessary, a carpet cleaner can help with stains on fabrics.

There are various care products for leather seats that can often clean stains and care for the leather at the same time.

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Leather care is always recommended in spring. Because of the large temperature fluctuations between cold nights or days and trips in a heated car, the leather is heavily stressed.

Care products strengthen the leather again, make it smoother and softer. That avoids ugly cracks.


Shelves and the trunk

In addition to dirt, some other rubbish quickly collects here. This should be taken out of the car regularly.

The vacuum cleaner nozzle removes dust and other dirt. Storage compartments can also be wiped out with a damp cloth and a little cleaning agent.

Everywhere in the car, there are now various aids for the winter such as ice scrapers, hand brushes, work gloves, or snow chains.

Nobody needs them in the spring and summer months. They can be stored in the cellar or shed until next winter and do not have to be taken for a walk.