What is holographic image and how it works

Hologram Technology – Myths and Facts about it

Holographic imaging and holography are some of the hottest areas of technology.

This is because holograms are unique, extremely precise, and can be applied to a wide variety of industries and applications.

However, there are still many misconceptions about holography and its many uses.

Many people are uncertain as to what holography is and what it does, thus leaving them without the knowledge to use or invest in holographic technology.

What is holographic image and how it works

Facts and Myths about Holograph Technology

It is important to understand the facts and myths about holograms in order to make an informed decision when considering this technology for your business or organization.

Below we have listed six common myths that need to be corrected before investing in any type of holographic software or technology.


Myth – Holograms are made of lines and dots.

Holograms are made up of much more than just lines and dots.

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By definition, a hologram is a two-dimensional image that is created using a particular scanning technique.

The scanning technique can be a flat one that uses mirrors to create the image or it can be a polarizing lens that uses certain filters to alter the angle and intensity of light that scans the surface being scanned.

Dot-matrix displays and LCDs are two common types of holographic display technologies.

Both of these display methods utilize scanning to create the image, however, they do so in slightly different ways.


Myth – Holograms are only useful for advertising

Holographic advertising and holograms, in general, are highly effective and can be used for a wide variety of advertising and marketing purposes.

Both small and large scale companies can take advantage of holographic images to develop a sense of brand loyalty, create brand awareness and promote sales.

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They can even be used to create images to remind customers of services or products. There are no limits to what can be done with holographic images.


Myth – Holograms are too expensive to be worth the effort of developing them

Since holographic technology is available for less than a couple hundred US dollars currently, you can have your hologram prototype made at a fraction of the cost.

With new and innovative ideas coming along every few months, and with holographic chips becoming more widely understood and appreciated by businesses of all sizes, it’s not surprising that holographic prototypes would soon be commonplace in most businesses around the world.

A hologram could become as important to a company as a plasma screen monitor but without the hype and high price tag.


Myth – Holograms don’t look like anything

With the right software, a hologram can be designed to look just like any other image, including those that mimic objects or images found in magazines, books, and websites.

When the hologram is developed, its image is created in three dimensions.

By using a special type of software, the creator of the hologram can manipulate the hologram so that it appears as though it is part of that object or item.

So, instead of having the image appear as though it was part of a book or magazine, the creator of the hologram can make it appear as if it is part of a car, or glass table, or even a basketball court.


Holograms are fragile

Because no two holograms would ever be the same, regardless of how similar two photographs might be.

However, that doesn’t mean that a hologram should be treated like one. For instance, a badly created hologram could be seen as a grainy black line on a white screen, rather than the smooth, colorful original image.

While many computer graphics programs do offer tools that would allow the creation of realistic-looking holograms, these programs are not always used.

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Therefore, it would be wise to inquire with an expert about the best way to go about creating a good-looking hologram.


Holograms are expensive

While the cost of developing holograms was expensive initially, the prices have been coming down steadily now, and holographic display screens are much more affordable than they were just a few years ago.

In addition, it’s a lot easier to manufacture holograms these days, which is something that most inventors might want to consider.

As well, researchers have made a lot of progress in deciphering how to control holograms, allowing for a wider range of possible applications, and an endless number of possible designs.

So while the initial costs of a hologram may be higher than those of other, more traditional displays, the long-term benefits make the price worthwhile.


Holograms don’t exist

This, again, is simply a misconception. While it would be impossible to manufacture a hologram, there are ways to create a unique hologram on a flat surface.

Thus, while there are no ‘true’ holograms, there are truly interesting, unique holograms out there.